M. Ryan Bochnak, Eva Csipak, Lisa Matthewson, Marcin Morzycki, and Daniel K. E. Reisinger (eds.). 2024. The title of this volume is shorter than its contributions are allowed to be: Papers in honour of Hotze Rullmann. Vancouver, BC: UBCOPL.
Full volume available for download.
- Cover
- Frontmatter
- Table of contents, pp. i–iv.
- Preface, pp. v–vi.
- Yurika Aonuki, "Degree constructions in Gitksan", pp. 1–18.
- Yurika Aonuki and Kathleen Currie Hall, "Incorporating sign language phonetics and phonology exercises into the Linguistics classroom", pp. 19–38.
- Solveiga Armoskaite, "Reversing the gaze: decolonizing the syllabus", pp. 39–52.
- Molly Babel, Line Lloy, Zara Khalaji Pirbaluti, Rachel Soo, and Lexia Suite, "Celebrating and quantifying the linguistic diversity of the UBC student community", pp. 53–64.
- M. Ryan Bochnak, "Mood in Wá·šiw narratives: A first look", pp. 65–78.
- Colin Brown and Henry Davis, "A second-last position clitic in Sm'algyax: A puzzle", pp. 79–94.
- Sihwei Chen, "Evidence for two types of future semantics by negation", pp. 95–108.
- Eva Csipak, "HOW many topics has Hotze worked on? Echo questions, mumbling and incredulity", pp. 109–118.
- Henry Davis and Colin Brown, "A second-last position clitic in Sm'algyax: A solution", pp. 119–130.
- Veena Dwivedi, "A pilot study: Affect and grammatical anomaly in discourse", pp. 131–144.
- Kai von Fintel, "Enough!", pp. 145-156.
- Laura Griffin, "A sketch of content question formation in Eauripik Woleaian", pp. 157–170.
- Jack Hoeksema, "If I had half a brain: Polarity sensitive idioms in conditional clauses", pp. 171–182.
- Vera Hohaus, Siena Weingartz, and Marijn Boomars, "Variable strength in necessity modality: A case of variation between Afrikaans, Dutch, English, and German", pp. 183–196.
- Marianne Huijsmans, "On the absence of evidence for nominal tense: The ʔayʔaǰuθəm past marker -oɬ", pp. 197–216.
- Kristín M. Jóhannsdóttir, "The passive in Heritage Icelandic", pp. 217–228.
- Kyle Johnson, "Where to interpret what", pp. 229–236.
- John Lyon, "Building statives in Nsyilxcn", pp. 237–250.
- Lisa Matthewson, "A corpus-based study of Gitksan modals", pp. 251–268.
- Marcin Morzycki, "The definiteness of manners and reasons", pp. 269–278.
- Kimiko Nakanishi, "Crosslinguistic variation in concessive scalar particles", pp. 279–292.
- Michel Navarro, "Sentential negation in Brazilian Portuguese", pp. 293–308.
- Douglas Pulleyblank, Darius Adjong, Alexander Angsongna, Lisa Matthewson, and Ariwan Addy Suhairi, "Ri-investigating inverse number in Dagaare", pp. 309–326.
- Daniel K. E. Reisinger, "Tell you what. English has quexistentials", pp. 327–342.
- Elizabeth Ritter, "Imperatives and prohibitives in Biblical Hebrew", pp. 343–352.
- Starr Sandoval, "Ktunaxa ranges", pp. 353–364.
- Neda Todorović, "No vacuous negation in subjunctive questions in Serbian", pp. 365–378.
- Satoshi Tomioka, "A maximality – exhaustivity connection: The semantics and pragmatics of -dake in Japanese", pp. 379–392.
- Martina Wiltschko, "The meaning of what", pp. 393–404.
- Jan-Wouter Zwart, "Modal adverbs, conjunction reduction, and the structure of coordination", pp. 405–416.
Editor: D. K. E. Reisinger
- Ahmed, Zaima, "The role of social deixis in Bangla and its impact on Grice’s cooperative principle", pp. 1–10.
- Chong, Bernadette, "Politeness Theory applied to small-gift offering and receiving", pp. 11–24.
- Fleming, B. Paris, and M. Angelina Lloy, "Variation in spatial deictic words in varieties of Spanish", pp. 25–39.
- Gappmayr, Paris, "Anything man can do, dude can do, too", pp. 40–52.
- Greenstreet, Laura, "Pragmatics of the spatial prepositions in and near".
- Lam, Emily, "The effects of translation and cultural differences in Japanese and English: Examining Marie Kondo’s translation tokimeku as ‘spark joy’?".
- Lou, Millie, "Zhende in discourse".
- Mansuri, Naima, "Scalar implicatures in ASL".
- Novakowski, Shaynah, "An analysis of sarcasm as it is practiced in the television program Friends".
- Rehnby-Martin, Daphne, and Christina Sen, "Politeness and Directness of Offers in English".
- Song, Min Young, Ivan Fong, and Amanda Eliora, "Korean A-not-A questions: Is it neutral or not?".
- Taylor, Ian, "The terms of transphobia: transgender people and misgendering on Twitter".
Full volume available for download.
The Okanagan Workshop on Innovation in Language Teaching was hosted by University of British Columbia, Okanagan, BC, August 16, 2014. Editors: Erin Guntly, Zoe Lam, Andrei Anghelescu, and Natalie Weber
- Frontmatter, pp. i-ii.
- Marianne Legault, "What do you see? Helping students understand seventeenth-century Baroque and Classical literary aesthetics", pp. 1-10.
- Jason Lieblang, “The language classroom rebooted into “intercultural first spaces”: Theory behind, and notes on, an oral assessment experiment”, pp. 11-20.
- Samuel A. Navarro Ortega, “Thinking outside the classroom for practicing Spanish”, pp. 21-34.
- Samuel A. Navarro and Qian Wang, “Flexible learning in introductory Chinese language classes through the UBC Tandem Program”, pp. 35-46.
- Nikole Lauren Pascetta, “Exploring the speaking body in the performance of spoken language: A theatre pedagogy for English language learning”, pp. 47-55.
- Alwyn Spies, Ramine Adl, and Claude Desmarais, “Creating and measuring the effectiveness of a blended learning
environment for beginner-level language courses at UBC”, pp. 57-67. - Linda Steinman, “Feedback (and forth) in a university English for Academic Purposes (EAP) class”, pp. 69-75.
Full volume available for download (pdf).
Edited by Tyler Peterson and Uli Sauerland
The collection of papers in ‘Evidence from Evidentials’, published as UBCWPL Volume 28, represents the convergence of two research communities who had the common goal of exploring different aspects of the syntax, the semantics, and the pragmatics of evidentiality. In the fall of 2007, a research seminar focusing on the cross-linguistic typology of evidentials was held at UBC organized by Rose-Marie Dechaine. In the spring of 2008, GLOW hosted a workshop organized by Uli Sauerland at the University of Newcastle on the semantics of evidentials, with the broad goal of understanding and explaining what kind of category ‘evidentiality’ is. This volume presents a selection of papers from both the seminar and the workshop
- Tyler Peterson, Rose-Marie Déchaine, and Uli Sauerland, “Evidence from Evidentials: Introduction”, pp. 1-8.
- Jason Brown, “Evidentiality and polarity in Yorùbá”, pp. 9-28.
- Jackie C. K. Cheung, Michael Leung, Amie Yahng, Diana Xing, and Jane Tse, “Variation in Restrictions on Multiple Evidential Markers in Japanese by Speaker Age”, pp. 29-40.
- Genna Cohen, Carlene Chuakaw, and Josephine Small, “Waking the Language of Dreamers: A Survey of Evidentiality in Dreams”, pp. 41-74.
- Drew Gilmour, Ashleigh Gonzales, and Meagan Louie, “Evidentials and Parasitic Irony: Activating the Illocution-Proposition Distinction”, pp. 75-88.
- Patrick Littell, Lisa Matthewson and Tyler Peterson, “On the Semantics of Conjectural Questions”, pp. 89-104.
- Eric McCready, “Evidential Universals”, pp. 105-128.
- Tyler Peterson, “Examining the Mirative and Nonliteral Uses of Evidentials”, pp. 129-160.
- Eva-Maria Remberger, “The Evidential Shift of WANT”, pp. 161-182.
- Mathias Schenner, “Evidentials in Complex Sentences: Foundational Issues and Data from Turkish and German”, pp. 183-220.
- Magdalena Schwager, “On what has been said in Tagalog: Reportative ‘daw’”, pp. 221-246.
- Olga Steriopolo, “Expressivity in Russian”, pp. 247-262.
- Aislin Stott, Morgan Smith, Tyler Chang, and Alicia Bond, “Which -miş is MIŞ?: Turkish indirectivity and negative scope”, pp. 263-277.
Full volume available for download.
Edited by Anita Szakay, Connor Mayer, Beth Rogers, Bryan Gick and Joel Dunham
- Bryan Gick, “Interlocution: an overview”, pp. 1-8.
- Frederick J. Newmeyer, “Cognitive and communicative factors in language evolution”, pp. 9-17.
- Mohan Matthen, “Epistemic affordances: the case of colour”, pp. 18-25.
- Mohinish Shukla, “Domain specificity and statistical computations in segmenting fluent speech”, pp. 26-35.
- Diana Archangeli, “Public and private patterns in language”, pp. 36-43.
- Arlene S. Walker-Andrews, “Development of communication in a social/emotional context”, pp. 44-49.
- Olivier Pascalis and Lesley Uttley, “Face and speech: how and when do infants understand ethnicity?”, pp. 50-56.
- Casey O’Callaghan, “Is speech special?”, pp. 57-64.
- Navin Viswanathan, “Towards embedded and embodied accounts of language use: insights from an ecological perspective”, pp. 65-71.
- Alessandro D’Ausilio, “Motor contribution to speech perception”, pp. 72-76.
- Sonya Bird, “When socio-linguistic interaction breaks down”, pp. 77-85.
Edited by Carrie Gillon, Christine Ravinski & Rachel Wojdak
- JC Brown, “On representing length and alternation in Southern Sierra Miwok”, pp. 1-12.
- Michelle M Kennedy & Jeff A Small, “On the domain specificity of the resources required for sentence processing”, pp. 13-36.
- Lisa Matthewson, “On the methodology of semantic fieldwork”, pp. 37-78.
- Jeff Mühlbauer, “Phonology as a cue to syntactic structure: The case from Attic Greek Aspirate Dissimilation”, pp. 79-10.
- Caroline L Rieger, “”Unfortunately, we learn nothing about sign language”: Medical students’ attitudes toward American Sign Language”, pp. 111-124.
- Kayono Shiobara, “Performance nature of displacement in head-final languages specificity of the resources required for sentence processing”, pp. 125-132.
- Martina Wiltschko, “The universal basis for argument-structure and its language specific instantiations”, pp. 133-1000.
Edited by S. Gessner, S. Oh & K. Shiobara
- Oládiípo Ajíbóyè, “A comparative study of Èdó and Yorùbá gerunds”, pp. 1-10.
- Mark C. Baker and Osamuyimen Thompson Stewart, “Unaccusativity and the adjective/verb distinction: Èdó evidence”, pp. 11-24.
- Mark C. Baker and Osamuyimen Thompson Stewart, “Verb movement, objects, and serialization”, pp. 25-38.
- Laura J. Downing, “How ambiguity of analysis motivates stem tone change in Durban Zulu”, pp. 39-56.
- Megan Morrison, “Plurality and multiplicity in Èdó and English”, pp. 57-66.
- Cory R.C. Sheedy, “Grammatical Tones in Èdó: An Optimality Theoretic account”, pp. 67-74.
- Charles H. Ulrich, “Labial-tone interaction in Lama verbs”, pp. 75-98.
- Florence Fung Lam Woo, “Serial verb constructions in Èdó and Cantonese”, pp. 99-114.
- Emmanuel Efereala Efere, “The pitch system of the Bumo dialect of Izon”, pp. 115-259.
Edited by M. Caldecott, S. Gessner, and E. Kim
- Bob, Tanya, “Tahltan morphophonemic processes in Optimality Theory”, pp. 1-18.
- Caldecott, Marion, “Applying licensing by cue to Saanich”, pp. 19-32.
- Gessner, Suzanne, “Tone assimilation in Navajo”, pp. 33-48.
- Gillon, Carrie & Cody Shepherd, “Intonational pauses and right-dislocation in Navajo”, pp. 49-68.
- Hirose, Tomio, “Plains Cree palatalizations in OT”, pp. 69-106.
- Kaneko, Ikuyo, “Igede vowel hiatus resolution in Optimality Theory”, pp. 107-124.
- Eun-Sook Kim, “Hypocoristics in Nuuchahnulth”, pp. 125-138.
- Sun-Young Oh, “Laryngeal features of stops and pitch accent in Kyengsang dialect of Korean”, pp. 139-160.
- Watt, Linda, “Roots, lexical suffixes and stress in Skwxwú7mesh”, pp. 161-180.
- Davis, Henry, “Subject inflection in Salish”, pp. 181-240.
- Nakamura, Yumiko, “Possessor-raising in Bantu languages”, pp. 241-262.
- Ritchie, Matthew, “Overt object agreement morphology in standard modern English”, pp. 263-274.
- Strauss, Uri, “The negative imperative ban in Hebrew”, pp. 275-292.
- Wiltschko, Martina, “The syntax of pronouns and determiners: A cross-linguistic study”, pp. 293-320.